I AM Infinite Love

A Breathwork Tool

This practice came to me over the course of many meditations. It can help you to feel the core vibration of a word, such as love or gratitude. These core vibrations can then be used as tools to aid you throughout your day.

Example Uses

Step 1

While meditating, breathe in and out through your heart chakra (center of your chest). Focus on the words “thank you” while breathing in, and on the words “I love you” while breathing out. Be a witness to everything that happens in your heart chakra as you breathe. 

Do this until you start to recognize the vibration of gratitude behind the words “thank you”, and the vibration of love behind the words “I love you”. There is no set time for this, it may take a single day or many months.

Step 2

While meditating, breathe in and out through the heart chakra (center of your chest). Focus on the vibration of gratitude while breathing in, and the vibration of love while breathing out. Notice there is a sort of ‘frequency’ to the vibrations. Over time bring that ‘frequency’ more into your awareness as you progress.

Do this until you can feel the frequency of the vibration without needing to think of the words at the same time anymore. For me, this took longer than Step 1. It was a gradual process where the more I was able to feel the frequency, the less I needed the words.

Advanced Information

Step 3

While meditating, breathe in and out through the heart chakra (center of your chest). You can shorten your prompts as needed, like to “thanks” and “love” for example. Begin to open yourself to other breath phrases and vibrations. As you do, repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each new word vibration pairing to learn what their frequency is.

Soon you will have a robust toolbox of core vibrational frequencies that you can attach to your breath at any time. This can help guide your actions throughout the day to match your intentions.

Everything beyond “thanks” and “love” came to me intuitively during my meditations. I think there are countless breaths, vibrations, and combinations to use. I have discovered a few and they are listed below. I will update this and add more information as I am able.

List of example breaths:

[In-breath, Out-breath]

Thanks, Love 

Be, Give (sun)

Thanks, Be

Sorry, Forgive (cleansing rain)

Forgive, Love

Be, Welcome (tree)

I, AM (Source)

I AM, Love (Source)

I AM, Infinite (Source)

I AM, _________ (Source)

I AM, Peace (Source)

I AM, ONE (Source)

Example Combos

Thanks Be, Give Love (sun)

I AM, Infinite Love (Source)